Category: Muslim Brotherhood

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No more obstruction to protest law… and our hearts go out to Camellia

29/10/2013 The opinions of those who clamor about protecting the “gains of the revolution” and who are thus dead set against any regulation of protests are clearly at odds with the terrible reality of our streets. Recently we saw maddening protests sweeping Al-Azhar University, in which the participants hurled insults at the army as well...


Interview with Dr. Aly El-Samman

by Amal Saleh for Al Yom 7 16/11/2013 “The Brotherhood is a gamble the U.S. lost. The fact that Washington drew back from using the term ‘coup’ affirms its commitment to maintain its relationship with Cairo. The strengthening of relations with Russia is an ‘urgent need’ and not against America.” Dr. Aly El-Samman Dr. Aly El-Samman, head...