Dear friends and supporters, it is with great sadness that we convey to you that Dr. Aly El Samman, President of ADIC and Officer of the Legion of Honor, passed away peacefully on August 2, 2017 in Troissereux, France, at the age of 87. He is survived by his wife, Brigitte, and his son, Sam. Please offer personal prayers for a man who helped so many people and touched so many lives. His legacy is an inspiration to all who knew him personally or professionally, and his loss will be deeply felt.
Promoting dialogue has been the driving force of my life and career. I believe that by recognizing the humanity in others we become fully human ourselves. Dialogue is not only necessary for avoiding clashes and conflict, it’s also useful for exploring the meaning of life, appreciating cultural differences, and finding the common threads that bind us all together.
Aly El-Samman